One on One with Bella Ruzsa. Her inspiring story of weight loss, courage, teammates and family

Bella Ruzsa shares her inspirational story of dramatic weight loss
Bella Ruzsa shares her inspirational story of dramatic weight loss

In a year often, and rightly, characterized as dark and challenging, Isabella Ruzsa's story is a courageous, inspiring ray of light. Bella, a second-year water polo player and swimmer for WVC coach Erika Vargas, has dropped almost 80 pounds and 10 sizes through difficult times and recuring obstacles, but always with friends, family and the Viking community by her side.

Bella shared her story of enlightenment, goal setting, setbacks and success during a recent Q and A: 

Specifically, how much weight and how many sizes did you drop? What was your highest weight and where are you now? When did you begin this process? 

When I was 17 years old, I was at my heaviest weight of 256 pounds. I was a size 18 in clothing and began my journey September 4th of 2018. I am now a size 8, and currently weigh 179 pounds (77 pounds and counting...)!

What made you decide to lose weight? Many people who undertake dramatic changes reach a bottom or a low point. Did that happen to you? 

I was extremely unhappy with how far I had let myself go. I was always low on energy, my skin was bad, I felt gross. My eating habits were severely unhealthy. It was also frustrating because I could never fit into the clothes that my friends did. 

Looking back, I definitely used food as a comfort. I would eat when I was sad, bored, and lonely. It was always there for me and I let it control my entire life. It got so bad to the point I couldn't fit into my prom dress I bought a month prior. I was fed up and I knew I needed to make a change. 

I lost over 70 pounds within the span of 8 1/2 months and was able to keep it off for a year until COVID came and everything got shut down. I lost all motivation and gained back over 20 pounds. It was really hard, but someone once told me, "It doesn't matter how many times you fall, but the number of times you get back up." I decided to get back on the wagon, adapt to these new restrictions, and continue my journey on bettering my health. 

As a result of losing that much weight, I noticed so many positive things aside from the number on the scale dropping. My skin was clearing up, my energy had increased, I was happier, and my clothes got significantly looser which was a great reason to go shopping! 

Has weight always been an issue for you?

Absolutely. I have struggled with my weight my entire life. I tried Jenny Craig, and Weight Watchers, but it would only work temporarily. Growing up, I was the biggest out of any group I participated in. They used to call me "Belly," instead of Bella for my nickname because I had a big stomach. 

What role has sports played in your life and, in particular, with your weight loss journey?

Sports have had a big impact on my life! I did cabana swimming for 14 years. This is my sixth year of water polo, and also I've also done cheer, softball, volleyball, and shotput and discus. Sports have been helpful because I didn't see it as a workout; it was more of a way for me to improve and I loved the competition! Unfortunately, when COVID hit and all sports were postponed, it was extremely challenging because I was unmotivated to do any other physical activities. 

How have you lost so much weight? What lifestyle changes have you made? 

I decided to try something called "KETO" and it was the best decision I ever made. I had to alter my lifestyle and completely cut out sugars and carbs. This meant no more boxes of pepperoni pizza or brownie sundaes after school. I had to cut it out. 

My body went through a metabolic state called ketosis, which meant my body used fat for energy instead of sugar. It was really difficult in the beginning, but I knew I needed to do it. I was determined to lose the weight, and over time I was able to adapt. Keto taught me the importance of food and portion control, which was something I struggled with. 

After almost two years, I unfortunately decided to pause keto and began reintroducing carbs and sugars back into my everyday consumption. Now I am currently tracking calories and watching my portions. As a result, I am at my lowest weight ever! 

I am playing water polo five days a week. I also have a personal trainer who is training me not only to improve myself but giving me advice for the future when I eventually train other people. I have been happier and healthier than ever before. 

Has being at West Valley helped you on your journey? Have your teammates and coaches been there to help, support and, maybe, push you? Has transitioning from high school to college, WVC specifically, helped you become more serious in setting up goals and attaining them?

West Valley is an excellent community that has helped me with my journey. Every single person, whether it is the faculty or the students, has helped me. I am very proud to go to this school because every person I have met has been welcoming and sweet. 

As I transitioned from high school water polo to college water polo, it was definitely a challenge for me. College water polo is definitely more serious, it requires more time and, especially, effort. 

For example, coach Erika understands that I am on the path to becoming healthier, so she has pushed me both mentally and physically. I have done things that I never thought I would be able to do. My coach understands my strengths and weaknesses and pushes me to become better and better which I am thankful for. I may not be the fastest swimmer, but I never give up and I always give my 100 percent effort. 

I can always count on my teammates to lift me up; they are so supportive, especially Heather Gray who makes me smile and gives me extra motivation on the hard days. 

Are there things your family has done to help you? In order for you to make lifestyle changes, they would have to make some, too.

My family has been the most supportive throughout my journey. They have been with me through it all, from my lowest point to now. I know if they were not there, I would not be where I am today. 

Some ways my family has helped me throughout the whole process is providing groceries of healthier foods, suggesting delicious and healthy recipes, and working out with me. (The list goes on…) 

My family says I inspire them to make healthier decisions, and that makes me really happy! They also helped me set up a mini gym in our garage during the pandemic which was honestly one of the greatest things ever. I am so appreciative of them and their constant support. (Bella's sister, Allie, was a two-time All-American water polo player ar WVC in 2017-2019.)

Have you used social media for personal motivation and to inspire others? 

I created a fitness account on Instagram a few years ago called it "Bellalosinghella". I posted my meals, workouts, transformation pictures, and just documented my whole journey. This was a wonderful platform because I could follow other people for inspiration and helpful tips, and I could also share my knowledge. It was a great way to stay accountable, and people are always motivating and positive! 

I also have a TikTok account and a video I posted got over 26 million views and I gained almost 500,000 followers in less than 6 weeks. I have people following my accounts and they have showered me with more support than I could've ever imagined. 

What has been the hardest part about this process for you? How do you intend to make the lifestyle changes you've made a permanent part of your life? 

I think the hardest part of this journey is not forgetting that results do not appear overnight. I used to be the type of person who loved immediate gratification, but if there's one thing I have learned it is that slow and steady wins the race. If you want results, you need to be patient because it is a whole process. 

Something that I have also learned is that not every day will be a great day, and progress is not always linear. There will be ups and downs, but as long as you keep moving forward and aren't quitting, then you are doing amazing! 

I intend to keep these changes a permanent part of my life by being organized and planning out my groceries, and no matter how busy I may be, prioritizing time for myself and health. 

Body image has become a major part of life, much of it negative, for many young women and men during the last decade due to, among other things, social media. Have you experienced this? 

Yes, I have experienced this. I used to always want to be a size 2 and weigh 150 pounds. I was one of those people who compared myself to others when I was bigger, but when I lost the weight, I realized I was beautiful either way. 

I believe body image has definitely been difficult to keep up with. Standards are constantly changing and a lot of them are impossible to live up to. I worry about the younger generations more than anything because they idolize celebrities on social media who, in many instances, have undergone plastic surgery. 

I think that the biggest thing with body image, is that if you are unhappy with the way you look and feel, you make the change for yourself and no one else. Do not change because of others. 

You've posted many images depicting your weight loss on social media. Was this a difficult decision for you? 

It was difficult at first. I was showing my body, my loose skin and stretch marks and that is a vulnerable thing to do on the internet in the view of strangers. I didn't know what to expect, but I knew that I really wanted to share that these are my scars. This is what hard work looks like. 

I wanted to be as transparent as possible and share that you can do anything you put your mind to. I feel it is my responsibility to post this content to inspire others, because I was once in their position before. 

What feedback have you received from sharing your story?

I have received nothing but positive feedback, I get direct messages every day from people telling me that I am an inspiration to them. They tell me I motivated them to change their lifestyle, and I am eternally grateful for every single person. 

What messages do you have for anyone, especially women your age, wanting to make similar changes?

1. Do not focus on the number on the scale necessarily, but the way YOU feel on the inside. 

2. You should not change for anyone except yourself.

3. Remember that Rome was not built overnight, so be patient!

4. Do not do diets if you want to make a long-term change. You need to make it a lifestyle. Diets are temporary, which means temporary results.

5. It is okay to treat yourself and have splurges every once in a while. 

6. Most important of all, do not give up. You got this! 

What plans do you have for the future?

I am in the midst of creating a website and writing both a keto and regular cookbook! I want to share many delicious recipes with others. From this point on, I want to keep spreading positivity, encouraging others to focus on their health, and love themselves throughout the whole process.